When we invest in the health and wellness of communities, we build resilience and are rewarded with multiple benefits.
Green, walkable neighbourhoods are also climate resilient. Community programs and gathering spaces create social connnections and trust that can make all the difference when neighbours come together in response to emergencies.
British Columbians need them now, as our neighbourhoods and our needs grow.
This election season is the perfect time to ask candidates to invest in community services and programs that support our health and well-being.
Politicians need to hear that healthy communities are important to British Columbians like you.
Ask your candidate to:
- Increase the supply of affordable housing and ensure new housing developments include social infrastructure funding for parks and community programs
- Fund community groups and non-profits that offer childcare, seniors’ programs, newcomer services, and other mental health programs
- Provide funding to update and maintain aging recreation centres and build new playgrounds, parks, courts and sports fields where the population is growing.
- Build more active transportation networks and age-friendly infrastructure for people of all abilities.